Animated Short Films
In the heart of a bleak and desolate world, a truck driver is entangled in a terrifying duty—transporting the victims to the firing squad. In the early days, he struggles with rising inner distress, seeking sanctuary from the terrible truth by consciously ignoring the dismal sights and noises around him. However, destiny takes a macabre turn one fateful night, forcing him to confront the terrifying reality of an impending execution.
Gas station and Covid-19 I 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, upon the recommendation of the World Health Organization, this short animation was created to raise public awareness about using gas stations during that time.
Rock Paper Scissors I 2022
The promotional teaser for the play “Rock Paper Scissors,” which was staged in 2022. This promotional animation was produced using 2D computer animation techniques in one month.
The Father I 2022
The play “Father” was staged in 2022 at the main hall of Tehran’s City Theater. This promotional teaser was designed and produced for the play.
Narrative Short Films
Tiregi I 2018
They will hang her tomorrow morning and all she wants is to see her Former Lover – For the last time.
The longest nap I 2012
In a cold and soulless world, everyone has fallen into a deep sleep.
This time from my feet, I’ll go to sleep I 2011
The story of a city where people’s legs move by their own will, not by the will of their owners.